Sunday, November 13, 2016

Thoughts on the election

          So, the election has been over for 5 days and Hillary conceded.  Officially we won't know anything until canvass later this week, and finally the electoral college vote in December, but ultimately, Donald Trump won the election.  I predicted a long time ago, that he would win by a landslide.  In regards to the electoral college, I was pretty much right.  The popular vote was much, much closer.  We still don't know what the outcome of that will be, but it doesn't matter because our founding fathers devised a way to ensure everyone has some say, and the little guy doesn't get bullied. 
          The electoral college was designed to ensure the big guy didn't walk all over the little guy.  Some have called for the end of the electoral college, that it is no longer relevant, because it was designed when there was not widespread information and access.  That is not what it was for.  It was designed to ensure that everyone's vote had importance.  How does that matter today?  Well, for instance, if we eliminated the electoral college, then we would have a democrat in office forever.  When the majority of people live in highly populated areas, and rely on the government to subsidize them, they vote predominantly democrat.  In areas that are less populated, and generally more self serving, vote conservative.  When you look at the map, even at the county level, most of the US is red.  Only the populated areas like LA, Detroit, New York and Chicago are blue.  Thus, supporting the argument.
          Not so surprising is the disdain for the outcome of the election.  Generally a portion will be disappointed with the outcome.  I'll admit, after the 2008 election, I was very disappointed.  I was also very worried about what would happen here in the US.  Most of what I was worried with, happened.  Healthcare is becoming a shambles because more and more people can't afford healthcare insurance, because of the "Affordable Care Act."  Also, because of the ACA, more people are out of work.  The easiest way for an employer to meet the ACA requirements and not go broke paying for insurance was to cut employee hours or numbers.  Thusly, people are making less wages.  We are no longer respected and feared in the world.  We are viewed as a bunch of pansies.  What is worse, is that we are letting those that seek to destroy us, in.  The current, and thankfully leaving administration has done everything to pander to those that despise and hate us.  This administration has bragged about what they have done with "women's rights" by denying children's rights; well, at least while in the womb, but once they are born, they don't have to listen to parents, because parents' rights are moot.  They have actively tried every way to disregard and alter the Constitution in any number of ways.  First and foremost is the 1st Amendment if you are Christian.  If you are any other religion, do what you want.  Then lets go to the next amendment.  The second amendment, "the right to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" has been attacked at every turn since January 20th, 2009.  Then there is the military.  It has been decimated, the budget has been cut, and good, strong commanders have been fired because they didn't meet Obama's agenda.  Good or bad, that was very valuable experience that dedicated generally 30 years of their lives to the defense of our country.   With all of this, and I expected it would all happen, we didn't riot.  Not once did anyone mad about losing to Obama, did we riot.  We simply took up our tools, went to work, and made the best of the time.  That doesn't mean we simply stood by though.  We exercised our rights, we planned for the worst and prepared to be able to survive if necessary, no matter how bad it got.
          Those that didn't like that Trump lost, are not so civilized.  Now, there are some that voted for Hillary and have accepted that they didn't win.  They don't have to like it, but they are grown people with self respect and can just deal with their situation like we did for 8 years.  But sadly, not all of them have been that way.  There have riots, vandalism, destruction, temper tantrums, and every sort of non-productive ways of showing their ire.  What purpose is it serving to tear up everything?  I remember when I was a kid and threw a temper tantrum and destroyed something, that I didn't it replaced, or I had to spend my hard earned money to replace it.  These people have also called for not only the murder of the President-Elect, but also anyone that openly states they voted for Trump.  Hey, read up a few lines, remember the part about the 2nd amendment.  Most of those that voted for Trump believe in the second amendment.  Pick a fight with someone that voted for Trump very, very wisely.  They have means for self protection. 
          So, why did Trump win?  Because of everything that I have said in the last few paragraphs.  While the numbers say unemployment has gone down, the overall household income has dropped.  More jobs are going overseas.  People are tired of illegal immigration.  Illegal immigrants are getting free handouts from the government while everyone else is suffering.  The hard working American is tired of busting theirs for everyone else to sit on theirs.  Trump is a business man who knows a thing or two about business.  Sure, he bankrupted on 4 businesses, but the fed is 20 trillion in debt.  No business would have ever gotten that far without declaring bankruptcy. 
           Since he won the election, Israel has already stated they are ready to repair the relationship that Obama destroyed.  The DOW made a record high today.  That's a positive sign for the economy.  Syria and Russia have already said they are willing to open talks to ensure peace.  That sounds vaguely familiar from 1980/1981.  Mexico is willing to re-negotiate NAFTA.  Trump said he could make Mexico pay for the wall.  If Mexico is willing to negotiate NAFTA, then Trump could actually make Mexico pay for the wall.  So what didn't Trump do?  He didn't stand on a platform that he couldn't do.  All the past elections had platforms like Abortion, Parents' rights, fixing the budget etc. but that is all stuff that would require Congress and the SCOTUS to be on board.  What the President can do, is set foreign policy.  Seems to me, in 5 days, he is already working on that.  Actually, just by winning, others are coming forward to help with that.  Now, can he do anything about Abortion and other things like that, well surprisingly, Congress and the SCOTUS are conveniently Conservative, at least for 2 years.  So, maybe he can get some things done.
            What surprised me, however, was people that were seemingly intelligent acting the way they have been acting.  I've heard comments like, "know when you walk into somewhere with your best friend, and you get attacked and they don't help, well that's how I felt by all of the people that voted for Trump."  Really!?  So, you can have an opinion and a vote, but I cannot?  Who is the intolerant bigot now?  Or people want to believe everything that the media said about Trump, but completely disregard everything Hillary has done?  Wow, that is simply amazing.  So Trump did say some nasty things in his past.  He didn't try to hide it, he owned it.  His daughter, when she found out, didn't condone it, or try to write it off.  She said it was bad.  That didn't change her thoughts on him though.  So he is crass, he is not well versed in political speak, but he doesn't speak out both sides of his mouth, like most politicians do.  Hillary has openly supported abortion up to birth, then wants to take my guns so I can't shoot babies.  I don't understand that.  Actually, she probably could care less about those babies, but if there is no armed society, then the government has nothing to fear.  That is ultimately why they want our guns.  She left people to die in Benghazi, some even support a conspiracy that she sold them out.  The theory was that she was funneling weapons through Libya to the rebels in Syria to fight the Syrian government.  However, those rebels quickly defected to ISIS, thus, we were arming those that were doing everything to kill us all.  So, how do you hide that?  You get rid of the witnesses.  I've never heard of so many people associated with any one person to commit suicide, short of Dr. Kevorkian in the 80s and 90s. 
           I have good friends that voted for Hillary, and I have good friends that voted for Trump.  Those that voted for Hillary have their reasons, and I have my reasons for Trump.  I'll not try to explain why they voted for Hillary.  That is their decision.  However, they have yet to try to tell me I was wrong, and I haven't told them why I am right.  They respect my ability to vote, and I respect their ability to vote.  What I can't respect is all of the whiners, complainers, criers, vandals and mouths that want to degrade me.  Sadly, those that do that, are the first to cry foul when they feel they have been prejudged, or discriminated against. 
           Now, I guess, if you're interested in why I voted the way I did, here goes:
1) He said he could fix the budget, and I believe it
2) He said he would strengthen the military, which it needs.
3) He said he would strengthen our borders, which we desperately need.
4) She said she supported abortion, the murder of children, all the way up to birth
5) She already proved that she has no concern for Americans.  "What difference does it make?"
6) She is a bigot, and hypocrite.  She hangs around with white supremacists
7) He has more diversity in his companies than anything in the federal government now.
8) He probably won't utilize terrorists as advisors, like the current administration
9) She has shown a complete disregard for the opinion of the American people by blatantly lying.
10) She utilized methods to transmit sensitive critical information endangering American lives.


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