Friday, March 11, 2016

Normal, everyday crazy...

It has been a long week at work, and I decided after putting 80 hours of crazy into 32 hours, (took Monday off) I had had enough about lunch time today so I decided to come home to enjoy the rest of the pretty day.  I came home to an untidy house, in a yard littered with leaves and branches from various storms over the last couple of months.  The kids were with Grandma, so I went and had lunch with my bride.  Then when I got back home, the kiddos were back. 
I sat down in the chair, and button in my butt was activated which caused a siesta for about 30 minutes, until someone from work called.   It is turning out to be a decent end to the week from Hades. 
Everyone is settling into their routine for the evening, winding down for the night.  Audrey is the bath, and I walk in there to talk to her for a minute.  The dog pokes her head in the door and we both look at her, and she cocks her head and looks at us.  She has that look that says, "what are y'all doing?"  I looked at her, and asked if she wanted a bath.  It took her all of about 3/100ths of a second and she was gone.  She ain't dumb.  She hates a bath. 
I told the girls to get her ready for a bath, and the dog runs to the bedroom to hide.  Natalie is chasing her, because she is heading for Natalie's bed, to climb way under and get away.  Juli and Becca join in the chase, and I all can do is laugh.  Now as I type this, Becca is playing matador with a wet dog, in the living room and the dog has that look on her face, saying, "hahahaha, come get me."  Some days I come home from work, and I am just aggravated and don't see the humor in things, or realize how good I have it.  Maybe I need to leave work early, a little more frequently, so that I can enjoy life more.  Today was a refreshing day.  It may seem like little simple stuff, but sometimes, little simple stuff add up to much greater things than little stuff.  And..... the dog just passed out from the festivities of a bath, and playing with matador el Becca. 
It is never ending here at the house.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  I guess we need to really stop and smell the roses once in a while.  Not sure that is roses though......  sniff sniff sniff......
OK!!!! Who farted?!?!?!?!
Oh my.... where are the matches?

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